Sunday, May 14, 2017

Assignment 8: BRDF Models

I have used well-known Blinn–Phong shading model so far in my project. However, it is not physically accurate since it does not consider normalization factor. Also, if we do not use the modifed version of Blinn–Phong shading model, we may not properly normalize it. Therefore, to get more realistic results, one may use the modifed version with normalization factor. The same applies for the Phong shading model.

On the other hand, we are required to implement a physically based BRDF model, Cook-Torrance. It simulates specular reflection by treating every surface as if they consist of many microfacets. In this model, we consider fresnel reflectance of the surface, distribution of microfacets by using a distribution function and the geometrical outcomes, blocking and masking, of this distribution.

Let us see the images of this week.
output of brdf_phong_original.xml
kernel execution time: 6.1 milliseconds
output of brdf_phong_modified.xml
kernel execution time: 6.1 milliseconds
output of brdf_phong_modified_normalized.xml
kernel execution time: 6.1 milliseconds
output of brdf_blinnphong_original.xml
kernel execution time: 6.1 milliseconds
output of brdf_blinnphong_modified.xml
kernel execution time: 6.1 milliseconds
output of brdf_blinnphong_modified_normalized.xml
kernel execution time: 6.1 milliseconds
output of brdf_torrancesparrow.xml
kernel execution time: 6.1 milliseconds
output of killeroo_blinnphong_modified_normalized.xml
kernel execution time: 57 milliseconds
output of killeroo_blinnphong_modified_normalized.xml
kernel execution time: 63 milliseconds
output of killeroo_torrancesparrow.xml
kernel execution time: 57 milliseconds
output of killeroo_torrancesparrow.xml
kernel execution time: 63 milliseconds

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